Spider-Man villains Venom and Morbius have a lot in common, but there's also a lot setting them apart from each other. These are their biggest differences.
While many will recognize Natasha Lyonne from either Orange Is the New Black or Russian Doll, she actually appeared in a Marvel franchise back in 2004.
Doctor Strange's rogues' gallery includes mind-bending magicians, ancient gods, and horrific demons. These are Doctor Strange's most powerful villains, ranked.
Sometimes even Gwyneth Paltrow herself forgets movies she was in. But one missed opportunity she'll never forget is one that could have been a game changer.
So, why hasn't Michael Bay done a superhero movie yet? According to the director himself, his hesitancy to make a superhero film isn't about the genre.
Whether it's because they're too outlandish, too impractical, or simply too awful, these are the Doctor Strange stories you'll never see on the big screen.
Here's how "Crazy Rich Asians" and "Snake Eyes" star Henry Golding may look like if he was cast to play Namor the Sub-Mariner in a future Marvel movie.
Iman Vellani is bringing Ms. Marvel to life as the first Muslim hero to ever get their own show, and she will do so with a rating never before seen in the MCU.
While the "Batman" films ultimately went in a different direction, it hasn't stopped fans from wondering what Marlon Wayans would have looked like as Nightwing.
She's filmed some crazy scenes in the past, but Rebel Wilson refused to do one thing on film. However, she's open to it in the future under this condition.
Norman Reedus is known for his role as Daryl on AMC's "The Walking Dead." But you might have forgotten he was in a Marvel movie long before the days of the MCU.