Of all the leathery Catwoman suits in the history of Catwoman, Halle Berry's stands out as the most ridiculous. Fortunately, the star didn't mind wearing it.
John Walker's appearance on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has us diving into the history of Captain America turnovers, from Isaiah Bradley to Clark Kent.
The Istari, or wizards, are key players throughout J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. Here's what only die-hard fans know about these magical beings.
Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight had several influences. One possible influence was an interview with a famous singer-songwriter.
Angar the Screamer is about to make another Marvel appearance on Hulu's M.O.D.O.K., so it feels like the right time to review his insane comic origins.
Alita: Battle Angel turns him into a proper cyborg hulk, but the actor who plays Grewishka should still be familiar from several other major genre roles.
Rumors of the Netflix Marvel characters entering the MCU have been prevalent. Now Instagram artist BossLogic is giving fans a taste of what it could look like.
As Looper's exclusive interview with Ross shows, his enthusiasm for all things super is infectious. When all's said and done, he's a fan like the rest of us.
Before he makes his big-screen debut in The Suicide Squad, get to know King Shark through his surprisingly prolific appearances in comics, TV, and video games.
Parasite tells the story of a poor Korean family that finds a way to con a wealthier one. Here's one detail in the film you may only notice while rewatching.
Whether you were around for it and need a reminder, or if you weren't around and can hardly believe it, here's what it was really like to see Batman in 1989.
The DCEU has no shortage of villains sporting dramatic looks. But what do the actors look like beneath all that costuming? We're here to answer that question.