The fourth episode of Superman and Lois, "Haywire," contains a reference to something that has superhero fans excited about what could show up on the show.
Jared Leto shared his thoughts on the Joker's appearance in the HBO Max release of Zack Snyder's Justice League and what he thinks of the character's evolution.
One seller on Pawn Stars hit the jackpot with an item from 1962 featuring everyone's favorite hammer-wielding god. Find out what it was and what it sold for.
There is no shortage of Easter eggs in the Snyder Cut of Justice League, but even the most dedicated fan may have missed this nod to Conan the Barbarian.
Alita: Battle Angel is a fine primer for creator Yukito Kishiro's iconic character. However, it fails to answer a fundamental question that sticks with fans.
Zack Snyder added quite a bit with his cut of Justice League, but not everything. Here's the surprising romance he wanted to include in Justice League.
It turns out a different green hero could've brought ill tidings to Batman's doorstep. Here's who Martian Manhunter replaced in Zack Snyder's Justice League.
Although many believe Superboy is simply a younger Clark Kent, many different characters have taken on the name over the years — and not all of them are heroic.