The long-awaited adaptation of The White Tiger has dropped on Netflix. Here's the ending of the best-selling tale about corruption of classism explained.
In the beginning of Age of Ultron, viewers may catch a line that foreshadows the whole shebang of Vision's creation, even if the details are left until later.
It's unlikely that anyone will ever roll through the halls of the Xavier School with quite the same gravitas as Patrick Stewart did when he was between Picards.
It's hard to name the highlight in a movie full of delights, but Sister Mary Patrick is doubtlessly one of Sister Act's best points. Where's the actress today?
Can Hulk beat Superman? Can he die? How smart is he? If you want to find out, our Hulk expert is about to answer the world's most difficult Hulk questions.
There's something about Boba Fett you may have missed, no matter how many times you've seen The Empire Strikes Back (or how much merch of him you own).
At a recent WandaVision panel discussion, we got to hear Elizabeth Olsen and Kathryn Hahn discuss the process of recreating the eras of classic sitcoms.
The commercials may be just a weird element of WandaVision, but some fans have noticed MCU easter eggs that point to Wanda's past and potentially her parents.
The second episode of WandaVision gives new meaning to the word "magic." The couple's stage names, though, are a sly reference to a comic book storyline.
WandaVision episode 2 features a blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference that connects the series to the cinematic origins of Wanda Maximoff and her brother Pietro.