In an increasingly competitive entertainment market, every entity has to defend their stake. Here are some sneaky ways Marvel gets you to spend more money.
For all that we know about both Homelander and Superman, we don't know what might happen if the two were to come head to head with one another. In a battle between them, who would have the upper hand?
From her sinister uncle to her unique history on the big and small screens, this is Abby Arcane's story in all its strange, romantic, occasionally occult glory.
On one corner, you have Homelander, the fearsome uber-Supe of The Boys universe. On the other, there's the DCEU's Superman (Henry Cavill), the last survivor of planet Krypton and a solar-powered strongman whom all other superheroes are compared to. Which one of them would win?
Now is the perfect opportunity to discover a series truly unlike anything else on television — or to re-watch Swamp Thing and catch all the tiny winks and references you may have missed. With that in mind, here's a look at some of the comic references aimed at viewers looking beneath the surface.
Alita: Battle Angel blew audiences away with its vision of a post-apocalyptic world. But in what real-world places did the film shoot? The answer might surprise you.
The Deep from The Boys is an obvious reference to Aquaman. What would happen if they fought? Which of these marine heroes would claim the right to rule the waves over the other? Let's take a closer look at this waterlogged matchup.
Kang the Conqueror is one of Marvel's most formidable bad guys. This time-traveling tyrant has lived a thousand lives in a thousand times -- and we're here to break them down for you, one century at a time. From his reign as Pharaoh to his many kidnapped heirs, this is Kang's backstory.
The world of comic books hosts some of the most creative minds in all of history, but none can hold a candle to the legendary Stan Lee. Lee was also one of the most conscientious comics creators of all time, as evidenced by this tale of his demand on the team behind Doctor Strange.
Kip "Half-Sack" Epps, played by Johnny Lewis, was a well-liked character on Sons of Anarchy, and his death was a major moment on the show. Unfortunately, the actor who played him would meet his own tragic end down the road.
As it turns out, Zack Snyder's much mythologized vision for the Justice League includes a whole lot more Jared Leto playing the Clown Prince of Crime. Fans have some strong feelings about this revelation.
The long-running Image Comics series Invincible is coming to Amazon Prime. But what is this superheroic saga actually about? Well, it's about alien conquerors, teen romance, and a whole lot of family drama. We're here to deliver the details on this beloved comic, soon to hit the small screen.
Courtney Whitmore is going to have her hands full protecting Blue Valley on Stargirl season 2, and she may find an ally in the Shade. If you want a sneak peek at what kind of villain the Shade is, there's no better place to start than with James Robinson's comics, simply titled The Shade.
The Boys' Maeve is considerably similar to DCEU's Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), who is also a prominent and powerful member of her world's premier superhero group. But is Maeve good enough to actually take on Diana and win? Could Queen Maeve from The Boys beat Wonder Woman in a fight?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe wouldn't be the media behemoth it is today without the talent of its actors. Of course, it's not like their now-iconic superhero roles were the first parts they ever played. Here are the biggest roles these Marvel actors had before joining the MCU.
As recently as 2016, one famous Marvel character, through one simple speech bubble, caused an immense wave of anger among comic book readers, culminating in a host of death threats towards the issue's writer.
A-Train feels the heat from competition in-universe. There are always new speedsters coming up right behind him, waiting for him to lose a step. How might he fare against DC's reigning sprinter?
While a Star Wars space adventure series and a gritty DC Comics crime caper may not seem like they would have a lot in common, the two productions utilize one particular technology that's quickly moving to the forefront of filmmaking.
Tyler Posey is probably best known as the star of MTV's Teen Wolf reimagining, but he also voiced the Inhuman pyrokinetic Inferno on the Disney XD animated series Marvel Rising. Now, he has his sights set on a live action superhero debut, expressing his desire to hit the streets of Neo-Gotham.
In season 5 of Supergirl, Mehcad Brooks announced he would no longer be playing James Olsen. While there are always rumors and speculation for why an actor decides to leave their show, Brooks made his reasons very clear for fans.
The sixth annual Arrowverse crossover event, Crisis on Infinite Earths, saw the collapse of the multiverse and the deaths of hundreds of existing heroes. Among them was Violette Beane's Jesse Wells. Here's the real reason the actress departed.
Both in their comics and television iterations, the superheroes of the Seven in The Boys are obviously meant to be Justice League analogues. Lamplighter's powers are similar to DC's Green Lantern, but if the two came to blows, who would win?
Tom Felton, who is best known for playing Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, portrayed Julian through season 3 of The Flash, and proved himself to be an asset to Barry's team and to the show as a whole. Unfortunately, by the time season 4 premiered, Julian had suddenly returned to London.
After a nearly 20-year gestation period, Alita: Battle Angel didn't exactly make the impact many hoped it would make when it first came to fruition. Audiences and critics moved on without it, leaving many to wonder if Alita hit theaters just a bit too late for its own good.