• Danny Huston as Wade Jennings in Angel Has Fallen

    Why Wade Jennings From Angel Has Fallen Looks So Familiar

    Secret Service agent Mike Banning has faced a lot over the course of the Fallen films. In the third movie, Angel Has Fallen, he's had to deal with the most heinous of action movie tropes: betrayal by an old friend, Army Ranger Wade Jennings. Here's why the actor who plays Wade looks so familiar.
  • MODOK, Marvel movie

    Will We Ever See MODOK In A Marvel Movie?

    MODOK is possibly the strangest character every created by the folks at Marvel. An evil giant head with arms and legs, MODOK is bent on taking over the world, and he's also incredibly goofy. So will we ever see him battling the Avengers in a Marvel movie? Well, let's find out.
  • Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man

    The Untold Truth Of Stark Industries

    Tony Stark's greatest power isn't his suit armor but his business acumen. Though Stark Industries dates back to the 19th century, Tony brought the company to new heights. So let's explore the highs and lows of Tony’s business ventures over the years and discover the untold truth of Stark Industries.
  • Groot

    Groot's Entire Backstory Explained

    He's big, he's wooden, and he makes one thing perfectly clear: He is Groot. Marvel's talking tree has taken the world by storm, despite his minimal vocabulary -- but few know his story in its entirety. From the alien arborists to the terrifying termites, this is Groot's backstory.
  • Howard the Duck

    Obscure Marvel Characters We Want To See In Phase 4

    The MCU has managed to make obscure comics characters like Killmonger and Drax the Destroyer into household names. What little-known Marvel characters might Phase 4 bring into the limelight? These are our picks, from space pirates to wayward Dora Milaje members.
  • Rosa Salazar as Alita in Alita: Battle Angel

    The Detail In Alita: Battle Angel That Doesn't Make Any Sense

    It's been more than a year since the release of Alita: Battle Angel, and fans of the popular manga it was based on still have some questions surrounding the film. Somehow, by the time the credits roll, many of the questions from the start of the movie have still not been answered.
  • The Flash

    Things DC Shows Are Doing Better Than The DCEU

    Obviously, the movies get the big budgets, the promotion, and the audiences that head into theaters to see what Superman and the rest of the Justice League are up to, but the shows that fill up the CW's weeknight lineup have a few advantages too. What do they do better than the films?
  • Ezra Miller as The Flash in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    We Finally Understand The Flash's Cameo In Batman V Superman

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice left most moviegoers as underwhelmed by the chaotic onscreen action as they were confused by some truly baffling narrative twists. Chief among them was the unexpected appearance of Ezra Miller's Barry Allen, a.k.a. the Flash.
  • Red Hulk

    Will We Ever See Red Hulk In A Marvel Movie?

    It ain’t easy being green, and evidently, it ain’t easy being red, either. After all, where is the Red Hulk? Thunderbolt Ross has been in the MCU for quite some time, so will we ever see the Red Hulk in a Marvel movie? Here’s our thoughts on that.
  • Carrie Fisher as General Leia in Star Wars

    Leia's First Use Of The Force Was Earlier Than You Thought

    The Force is strong with the Skywalker family. We recently learned that Han Solo was not the only victim of Darth Vader to be frozen in carbonite; Leia also shared her lover's fate, and it was that incident that led to her earliest canonical display of Force sensitivity.
  • Avengers; Endgame promo poster

    Who Will Lead The Avengers Next?

    Avengers: Endgame marked the end of a decade-long era for the Marvel Cinematic Universe with deaths, shifted allegiances, and a wider universe for its characters to deal with. Using both the movies and comics as a guide, let's look at who might be qualified to lead the next generation of Avengers.
  • Zachary Levi and Jack Dylan Grazer in Shazam!

    Why This Epic Slow-Motion Fight Scene Was Cut From Shazam!

    The Blu-ray edition of DC's Shazam! arrived with a handful of deleted scenes in tow — some of which have fans wondering why they were cut at all. Chief among those deleted Shazam! scenes is an alternate, slow-motion version of the film's final showdown at a winter carnival.
  • Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame

    The Biggest Mistakes Iron Man Has Made In The MCU

    Tony Stark might be a good guy, but that doesn't mean he hasn't made his share of mistakes. And when you're an internationally famous superhero scientist, your mistakes tend to have pretty big consequences. From evil robots to arc reactors, these are Tony Stark's biggest mistakes.
  • Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron

    The Biggest Mistakes Thor Has Made In The MCU

    Thor is a hero, a god, and a stalwart Avenger. But he's also stubborn, obstinate, and impulsive -- flaws that have wreaked havoc on the MCU more than once before. From his foolish trust in Loki to his failure to go for the head, these are Thor's greatest mistakes.
  • The New Warriors Marvel Comics

    The Outrage Over Marvel's Controversial New Superheroes

    Marvel's got a new batch of superheroes to introduce, but unfortunately, they're gaining attention for all the wrong reasons. The House of Heroes recently unveiled the latest suite of Gen-Z heroes: a novel line-up of the New Warriors team that includes characters called Snowflake and Safespace.
  • Robert Pattinson as Batman

    Potential Bad News Is Coming For The Batman

    Batman may have to hold his Bat-horses. Rumor-mongering website We Got This Covered is reporting that Warner Bros. and DC Films, which have paused production on the upcoming The Batman, are seriously considering pushing the flick back from its planned release date of June 25, 2021.