• Scene from Shazam!

    Why The Cast Of Shazam! Looks So Familiar

    Shazam's first go on the big screen is an origin story, so don't worry too much if you're going in cold. Just make sure you're paying attention and enjoy the ride. Even if you aren't familiar with the characters, you're going to see a few familiar faces bringing them to life.
  • Galactus

    Who Will Be The Next MCU Big Bad After Thanos?

    While the comics have plenty of bad guys to choose from, filling Thanos' shoes won't be easy. You'll need a fan-favorite if you want to elicit the same kind of response fans had when they saw that purple-skinned profile in the mid-credits scene of Avengers.
  • Gotham poster

    First Glimpse At Gotham's Batman Is Finally Here

    The Dark Knight is finally arriving in Gotham. Fox has released a poster for the final two episodes of its Batman prequel series, which all season long has only hinted at the eventual appearance of the iconic alter-ego of Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz). The wait to see that famed cape and cowl is over.
  • Marc Maron

    Joker Actor Marc Maron Describes Film As 'Intimate And Gritty'

    Todd Phillips' Joker will be dark and stormy — and that's no joke. Joker star Marc Maron, who brings to life a mystery character by the name of Ted Marco, has described the Joaquin Phoenix-led film as "intimate and gritty," "more of an origin story and a character study."
  • Batman movie

    Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Batman

    Whether it's his methodology for fighting crime, his relationships to other heroes, or even the appearance of Gotham City itself, something seems a little bit off every time the Dark Knight hits the theater. With that in mind, here are the things that movies always seem to get wrong about Batman.
  • Angelina Jolie

    Angelina Jolie In Talks For Marvel's The Eternals

    From Maleficent to Marvel. A new scoop from The Hollywood Reporter details that Academy Award-winning actress Angelina Jolie is in talks to star in The Eternals, Marvel Studios' superhero ensemble film based on Jack Kirby's comic run of the same name. The film has Chloé Zhao attached das director.
  • avengers endgame

    Things We See In Every Marvel Movie

    Not unlike the Avengers themselves, Marvel movies might be different, but have some similarities that allow them to become a blockbuster, record-breaking, award-winning team. With all that in mind, here's a look at the things we see in every Marvel movie.
  • Thanos

    How Thanos Really Got All The Infinity Stones

    Everyone in the MCU has been fighting over the Infinity Stones for years now, even if movie audiences didn't always realize it. But what exactly are all these glowy rocks, and how were all the Infinity Stones finally brought together? Here's how Thanos got the Infinity Stones.
  • Miyagi and Daniel

    What The Karate Kid Cast Looks Like Today

    Whether they were Cobra Kai bullies or Daniel's inner circle, each member of the Karate Kid cast gave something to the production that helped make it a classic. Here's a look at what the stars of the film have been up to over the years, and what they look like today.
  • Shazam poster art

    The Ending Of Shazam! Explained

    While the ending itself is pretty straightforward, there are enough head-scratching and surprising moments in the movie's latter third that might be in need of some explanation. Don't sweat it! That's why we're here. Let's say the magic words — spoilers ahead — and explain the ending of Shazam!
  • Scene from Shazam

    Small Details You Missed In Shazam!

    Critics agree​ that Shazam! has completely turned the dark, dreary tide of the DCEU. Now that we're in a world where superheroes are real, and fans of those superheroes exist and collect remnants of bad-guy battles to sell on eBay, Easter eggs can't be too far behind, right?
  • Iron Man in The Avengers

    Weaknesses You Didn't Realize Iron Man Had

    The character of Tony Stark has seen a huge boost in popularity since 2008's Iron Man started up the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But what about his weaknesses? As it turns out, the frequent leader of the Avengers has quite a few vulnerabilities that his more superpowered friends don't.
  • Zachary Levi Shazam bubblegum

    What Critics Are Saying About Shazam!

    Teasers, trailers, and tantalizing promos promised a lighthearted, laugh-filled adventure — and had everyone believing Shazam! could be the film to bring brightness to the mostly gloomy DC Extended Universe. Reviews for Shazam! are officially in, and we finally know whether the film soared or sank.
  • Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

    X-Men, Deadpool Unlikely To Join MCU Until At Least 2021

    For those freaking out over the prospect of the X-Men and Deadpool finally joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the wake of Disney formally taking control of the film and television assets of Fox, Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige has a few choice words: hold your horses, true believers.
  • The Hulk fighting the Avengers on the cover of Incredible Hulk #321

    Times The Avengers Treated Hulk Like Garbage

    During the Hulk's many clashes with the Avengers, the team was often just trying to protect other people from his rampages. But the Hulk rarely saw himself as the villain, and sometimes he really wasn't. For some examples, here are times the Avengers treated the Hulk like garbage.
  • Marvel heroes

    Marvel Heroes We're Still Waiting To See On Screen

    Battles will be fought! Hero and villain alike will fall! Contracts will be renegotiated! With some of the first wave of Avengers possibly taking their final bow, there will be plenty of room for more Marvel characters that fans have been clamoring for.
  • Shazam

    Read This Before You See Shazam!

    Who is Shazam? What makes him unique? And why, in an era when superhero movies come out with ever-increasing frequency, did it take so long to bring him to the big screen? Let's take a look at The World's Mightiest Mortal with a roundup of all the stuff you need to know before you see Shazam!
  • Avengers Endgame poster

    The MCU's Most Powerful Character Is Confirmed

    The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't exactly a powerful character desert. Everyone in the MCU (especially the Avengers and co.) is tough, it's true, but there's one character who's the best of the best — going higher, further, and faster than the rest of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
  • Ron Perlman as Hellboy

    The Untold Truth Of Hellboy

    Hellboy's pretty complicated. With the upcoming live-action reboot poised to tap into some of the weirder corners of the character's long and twisted history.
  • Vanya by Gabriel Ba from the cover of "The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite"

    How The Umbrella Academy Cast Should Really Look

    We're here to run down each of the major characters in The Umbrella Academy and compare their appearance on the TV show to their original comic designs. You'll see that some of them underwent a dramatic transformation in the jump from page to screen, and some remained remarkably the same.
  • Iron Man's Helmet

    Avengers: Endgame Things Marvel Has Already Gotten Right

    There's no doubt that Avengers: Endgame is going to be one of the defining flicks of 2019. From marketing efforts (or lack thereof) to storytelling promises, from confirmed returning cast to the title of the thing, here are the things that Endgame has already hit right out of the park.
  • Mantis stunning Thanos with her empathic powers in Avengers: Infinity War

    Weaknesses You Didn't Realize Thanos Had

    Thanos may be Marvel's most challenging villain to defeat, but he's not unbeatable. All you need for proof is what we've seen in the films, along with decades of his appearances in Marvel's comics. We looked through everything we could to find weaknesses you didn't realize Thanos had.