In the upcoming "Punisher" #12, Frank Castle lies bloodied on the ground after being betrayed and shot by his wife. Is Marvel Comics about to kill him?
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" isn't a direct adaptation of any comic books, but these are some of the Marvel comics that set the foundation for the movie.
Marvel has introduced a new Infinity Stone into the mix, and it's powers might create some similar storylines to past comic runs from both Marvel and DC.
"The Flash" movie promises multiple Barry Allens and a deepening lore. But what do the speed force colors tell us about the speed capabilities of the Flashes?
Ben Affleck's canceled "Batman" film would have featured only a single villain. The actor and director had solid reasoning for not wanting too many antagonists.
Cinephiles may not think of Quentin Tarantino when they think of superhero movies. However, the filmmaker was actually offered to helm a "Green Lantern" film.
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman's incredible banter and rivalry only enhances the connection between their respective characters, Deadpool and Wolverine.
After nine seasons, The CW's "The Flash" has concluded, which also marks an end to the Arrowverse. Here's where the finale leaves Barry Allen and his team.
Writer Al Ewing teased Looper on what's to come for the longtime X-Men villain Apocalypse and his family in "X-Men: Before the Fall - Heralds of Apocalypse."
Writer Jed MacKay and artist C.F. Villa of the new "Avengers" comic series teased Looper about how a stripped-down Kang will play a key role in future events.