Jennifer Coolidge has had a very long and popular career, however, only recently was she able to accomplish one of her big dreams by being in "The Watcher."
Marvel Studios VP Nate Moore had some interesting things to say about the "Black Panther" sequel by making comparisons to the famous "Godfather" movies.
Terry Kinney of "The Watcher" discusses if fans will appreciate how much the show might deviate from true events and talks about what type of show it is.
After Chadwick Boseman's death, the question became whether to recast T'Challa in the MCU. Nate Moore says there was one clear answer of how to proceed.
After She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1 concluded on October 13, some viewers may be wondering how accurate its courtroom scenes are to real-life law.
Brendan Gleeson has joined the sequel to Todd Phillips's "Joker" in an unknown role, and Gleeson is apparently a huge fan of the first Joaquin Phoenix-led film.
In the late '90s, there was a possibility of Harley Quinn making her live-action adaption debut in a Batman film. Courtney Love was interested in playing her.