Viewers continue to flock to every new Warrenverse installment. But there are some inclusions that only the most hardcore Conjuring fans have checked out.
While many viewers think they know everything about Abby on NCIS, they might have missed this mention of her biggest pet peeve and how to stay on her good side.
Why would a man kill ten people by viciously strangling them? That's the sort of question that drives the crime solving on the CBS procedural Criminal Minds.
After five seasons, Orphan Black finally came to a close in 2017. And with so many character plots to follow, here's a breakdown of how exactly the show ended.
If you've always wanted to see Harry Potter go absolutely feral, then you should definitely should consider watching this Radcliffe thriller on Amazon.
Firefly Lane includes quite a few love interests for its leading women, one being Travis, played by Brandon Jay McLaren. Here's why he looks so familiar.
Thanks to an exclusive set of images from Vanity Fair, we now know just how different Jared Leto's Joker will look in the Snyder Cut of Justice League.