In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam and Bucky learn about the new Super Soldier Serum, made by Dr. Nagel. But where have you seen the actor before?
Just who is Power Broker in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier? You might be able to glean answers from how the character has appeared in other Marvel media.
The Marvel TV series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier features Erin Kellyman as Karli Morgenthau, a.k.a. the Flag-Smasher. Here are the actress's past roles.
Malcolm Spellman, the show's head writer, recently spoke about the key difference between WandaVision and the new adventures of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier isn't going to be quite as off-beat as WandaVision, and it promises to channel a popular film genre to achieve broad appeal.
Ever since Ahsoka Tano name-dropped Thrawn, fans have hoped Benedict Cumberbatch would play him, but you won't see this MCU star in The Mandalorian. Here's why.
Ahsoka Tano's journey throughout the Star Wars universe led her to The Mandalorian. Here's how old the former Jedi is at the time of her arrival on the program.
Will Angelina Jolie's Maleficent ever return for further adventures? Here's what we know about "Maleficent 3" and whether or not it will ever take flight.
The Mandalorian follows a unbreakable set of rules that dictate how he talks, how he acts, how he connects with the world -- except when it comes to Grogu.
John Cena has had an illustrious career since crossing over from wrestling to movies. Now, one overlooked starring performance is finding a second life.