Big was one of the biggest surprise hits of the late 1980s, but its road to success was far from assured -- join us on a deep dive into the making of Big.
No matter how many times you've watched "Grease," there's a decent chance you've missed at least one tiny detail just significant enough to merit mention.
As they're unnumbered, the correct order for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies isn't immediately apparent. There's a short film you probably missed, too.
The reality TV genre has exploded, with hundreds of shows competing for airtime. Here are the Reality TV series that ended because they ran out of things to do.
Christopher Nolan's Tenet offers up his trademark type of mind bending excitement, that is bound to leave some fans confused. Let's explain it for you.
Among its famous pink elephant sequence, racist crows, and depressing opening, Disney's 1941 film "Dumbo" is stuffed with things only adults will notice.
So you love alien movies, but have you ever wondered which films offer the most hideous aliens in cinematic history? Read on to discover our grotesque list.
For two decades, the "Naruto" storyline has played out. Whether you're a fan or newbie, these are the 25 best episodes that you absolutely have to watch.
It's hard to find someone out there who doesn't like The Goonies, so let's take a look at ten flicks that satisfy the adventure-loving spirit of every '80s kid.
Which dramatic films reign supreme? We're answering that question by ranking the 98 greatest drama movies of all time, from courtroom classics to war stories.
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" wasn’t a big hit back in the '90s, but fans have come to adore it in the years since. Here are the most underrated episodes.
The 1999 family classic "Stuart Little" finds a mouse adopted by a wealthy family and trying to be accepted. But whatever happened to its star-studded cast?