"Charmed" is the story of three sisters who learn that they have powerful abilities. Here are the 12 most memorable scenes from the original "Charmed" series.
From famous Hollywood A-listers to accomplished Thai actors, the cast of Ron Howard's Thirteen Lives is full of remarkable performers you might recognize.
While biopics can make for prestigious Oscar winners, there are many that flew under the radar. Here is a selection of the most underrated films in the genre.
All of the movie versions of Mulan stray from the grimmest Mulan legends -- here's the dark history of Mulan and the story elements these movies left out
As summer winds down and another school year starts up, here's a look at when "The Steve Harvey Show" took a hilarious bite out of the teacher's apple.
If you love dramas inspired by actual events, you'll enjoy "Thirteen Lives." Here are the 12 best movies like "Thirteen Lives" that fans should check out next.
Even the biggest fans of "Forrest Gump" may miss these subtle details and references. Discover the small details you missed while watching "Forrest Gump."
A talent for pretending to be evil does not require genuine malevolence. For example, here are some TV villains who are actually played by nice actors.
By the end of the time travel yarn Predestination, you'll either be left with your jaw on the floor in disbelief, or scratching your head in confusion.
If you find yourself unsure of what to watch after "The X-Files," we've got some ideas. Here are the best shows like "The X-Files" that fans should watch next.