"The Rugrats Movie" remains beloved, but when you learn about the Blondie references, the "Fugitive" quote and more, it gives you a whole new appreciation.
"Stranger Things" Season 4, Volume 1 leaves plenty of mysteries on the table. Here are the biggest unanswered questions in "Stranger Things" Season 4, Part 1.
It's hard to pin down a definition for the word "indie," but these movies personify the best in the qualities we think of when we think of independent cinema.
"Stranger Things" is back and bigger than ever, with a plethora of new cast members. Here is every new character in "Stranger Things" Season 4 explained.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi" features a ton of references big and small to all corners of the "Star Wars" mythos. Here are Easter eggs you missed in "Obi-Wan Kenobi."
The fact that these movies are underrated is a real mystery to us. Here's our list of the most underrated mystery movies that you definitely need to watch.
In a few short years, Isabel May has become one of the most in-demand young actresses in Hollywood. We examine everything from "Alexa & Katie" to "1883."
Many horror movies leave audiences feeling alarmed and afraid, but with a select films, even the most disturbing plots can lead to surprisingly happy endings
The new Disney family film Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers features a surprising amount of jokes and references that are primed to make parents chuckle (and gasp)
After a three-year gap, "Stranger Things" Season 4, Part 1 finally dropped on Netflix. Here are things in "Stranger Things" Season 4, Part 1 only adults notice.
Netflix's retro powerhouse has been split into two volumes for its fourth season. Here are the 6 best and 6 worst things about Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1.
Now that Stranger Things is finally back, it's time to break down what actually happened on this season of everyone's favorite retro science fiction show!
How many times can you watch "Scarface" and "Goodfellas"? Check out "Copland," "The Drop," "Miller's Crossing" and these other underrated gangster classics.
Here are some things to know about Hughie Campbell, the character that brings the audience into the bleak and grisly world of corrupt superheroes on The Boys.
Has Mulder and Scully's fight against the evil alien conspiracy left you utterly baffled? Allow us to present the entire X-Files mythology timeline explained.