World War II has long been a subject of some miraculous movie fare, from harrowing dramas to eclectic comedies and all between, here are the best of the best
There's so much anime to choose from these days that many great shows get lost in the noise. Here are some underrated anime shows that you should check out.
There are a lot of characters in "Halo" with potential to become key movers and shakers. Here are characters in "Halo" that are more important than you think.
For each of the incredible actors who've appeared in Star Trek films, there are more who came surprisingly close to landing one of those interstellar roles.
Elizabeth Mitchell is excited to see the end of this season of "FBI International." She told Looper about her character in the show and memories of "Lost."
While we wait for the wolves who are teens to return for a Paramount+ movie, let us look back upon the many questionable things we ignored in Teen Wolf.
You'd be surprised how much a '90s teen angst show can teach us about astrology. Let's see which My So-Called Life character you are based on your zodiac sign.
Though it only ran briefly on TV, Filmation's BraveStarr has retained a loyal fan base. Here are some things you might not know about the animated series.
The Scream movies weave a complicated timeline, as generations of killers (and Stab movies) haunt Woodsboro over the years, so here's a definitive timeline
The new horror film "Men" features Rory Kinnear playing multiple parts. He discussed the unsettling effect of his roles and how he approached playing them.
Despite its historical basis, "Winning Time" is dramatized. Here is everything "Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty" gets wrong about the true story.
From lesser-known indie dramas to some of the biggest blockbusters, we've ranked every major adaptation of the work of legendary sci-fi author Philip K. Dick.
As long as Ash is around, the demons will never let him rest. He's simply too fun to torment, as the extensive lore of the Evil Dead franchise will show.
Wesley Snipes helped set the stage for Marvel with his "Blade" trilogy. We look back on the Guillermo del Toro-directed "Blade II' and how it concluded.