When "Batman: The Animated Series" returns as an audio drama, it would be nice to learn about Jason Todd, hear commentary on recent social issues and more.
With Pan's Labyrinth, Guillermo del Toro created some of the most horrific images in fantasy, and the process behind them is as fascinating as the film itself.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was one of the main characters in the "Harry Potter" series. Let's look at Dumbledore's best moments in the movies.
In the '90s, hit albums celebrating "Pulp Fiction," "Singles," "The Commitments," "The Bodyguards" and other films became the soundtracks to our lives.
Poor Uncle Ben has been shot, eaten, and made into a murderer by Spider-Man associates like Sandman, Venom and Deadpool. We look back on Ben's many deaths.
Sports movies allow fans who don't know a puck from a racquet to get immersed in a compelling narrative. Here are the biggest sports movies of all time.
While fans often want to meet their favorite The Simpsons characters in real life, there are also those who would love to visit the town of Springfield itself.
Christina Ricci has been working in Hollywood for over three decades now, and as expected, her acting resume runs both vast and deep. Here are her best roles.
Whether you've already got a theory or are just starting to dive into this rabbit hole, here are the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" theories that change everything.
With Daredevil's live-action return looking possible, let's discuss some comics storylines that Netflix never got around to adapting -- and which are available.
Since his debut in "Captain Marvel," Talos has become a fan favorite. We look at the comics to learn about his background and where he could go next in the MCU.
"Rainbow Brite" spread love and joy through toys, videos, books, and other media during the '80s. Here are things only adults notice in "Rainbow Brite."
Does Doctor Strange have the best MCU costume? Should Captain America keep his helmet on? Do we need to see Ant-Man's eyes? We look at these and other opinions.