"Batman: The Animated Series" raised the bar for animated superhero TV shows. Here are the best "Batman: The Animated Series" episodes, according to IMDb.
Xena is a positively pausable show via random wigs, sexy subplots, bird-flipping skeletons and disclaimers galore. Here's a breakdown for your pausing pleasure.
It can be hard to believe that "Pinocchio," Disney's second feature film, has been around for more than 80 years. Here is the untold truth of "Pinocchio."
Did you know Obi-Wan's home planet is named after Jon Stewart? Or that his freaky scream is Force-related? These and other truths about the character await.
If you can't get enough of the wealthy and dysfunctional Roy family from "Succession," check out these shows for similar comedy, drama, and social commentary.
From live-action adventures and CG fantasies to the anime that will transport you to Piltover, this is what you should be watching if you loved Arcane.
Keanue Reeves says it would be "an honor" to join the Marvel ranks. From Ghost Rider to Silver Surfer, Dr. Doom to Hit Monkey, we examine possible roles.
In between Iron Man's thrilling suit-up scenes and emotionally devastating character drama are a thousand moments that get overshadowed by the larger narrative.
Few Disney sidekicks are quite as squishy as Baymax, the robot companion of "Big Hero Six" who originated in a Marvel comic. Here is the untold truth of Baymax.
Film viewers have laughed, cheered, cried, and surely connected with Groot's many memorable moments on-screen in the MCU. Let's look at his best appearances.
From John and Judy to Daniel, Sam, Joanna (and Carol), "Love Actually" is powered by its many holiday love stories. Here's a countdown from the worst to best.
While we wait for news about Clickbait Season 2, viewers are jonesing for the same mix of adrenaline, titillation, and whodunit intrigue. We've got suggestions.
Whether it was just the finale that was bad or the show spiraled out of control for multiple seasons, it's a shame these TV series ended in a train wreck.