Clarice Starling is the iconic protagonist of The Silence of the Lambs. We're here to uncover everything you never knew about this trailblazing FBI agent.
Rip Wheeler is one of the most interesting characters on Yellowstone. These are the moments that show off just how tough, loving, and brave he really is.
Aside from being consistently awesome, the Iron Sheik is also one of wrestling's more tragic figures - so much so that it's almost a miracle he's still alive.
Ray Fisher, who played Cyborg in the Justice League movie, continues to speak out about "offensive, discriminatory, and unacceptable" behavior he witnessed.
You've probably been waiting to see this movie for quite a's a look at what you should know about Bad Trip before this movie debuts on Netflix.
We explored Guinness' online database to find the strangest world records ever made official in the realm of film and television -- and were not disappointed.
M. Night Shyamalan's movies are known for their dramatic twists. What other details and devices show up in all of the director's films? Let's find out.
Scarlet Witch has a long history in the comics, so it stands to reason that her appearances in the MCU have often included Easter eggs for longtime fans.