Brooklyn Nine-Nine has some incredible cold opens, but over the course of the show's run, the crew has also proven they can do a really good holiday episode. From impeccable joke frequency to plots that that seamlessly blend character storylines together, these episodes are memorable favorites.
Hollywood movies seemed more critic-proof in the 1990s. Audiences interested in a film might rush out to the opening weekend on the strength of a film's advertising before they had heard any word-of-mouth -- before they realized that it might stink.
We're here to explore the engaging Star Wars history of Jango Fett, from the legacy he left behind to the elements of his backstory that are slowly but surely coming back to canon.
From classic Chris Pratt moments to sight gags gone wrong, here are just a few Parks and Recreation bloopers that are (almost) funnier than the show itself.
We looked at the tale of the tape to compare and contrast the two cinematic titans ... but the final decision rests with you. Here's how Stallone is better than Arnold Schwarzenegger and how he's not!
Holiday movies are all about warmth and cheer, and nothing encapsulates those feelings quite like a romance. These are the most beloved, inspiring, and memorable couples in holiday movie history, from Elf's Buddy and Jovie to Love, Actually's multiple romances.
The Walking Dead has no shortage of bad guys, big and small. But who's the biggest, baddest antagonist of them all? We're here to find out, by ranking every single Walking Dead villain from the least impressive to the most brutally fearsome.
From guys who were trying to help, to monsters who are trying to teach a lesson, these are Netflix villains who were actually right about a thing or two.
It's become clear that Moff Gideon has a much greater influence on the established Star Wars universe than we imagined — both the past and potentially the future.
Following are some of the strangest creatures ever to lurch across movie screens in the history of horror movies, both from the United States and from countries across the globe. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Even if you've never heard of the Orson Welles classic, there's plenty in Mank to enjoy. Here are some small details in the movie that you probably missed.
Whether they made beings of our wildest imaginations seem utterly real or made us wonder why they bothered, here are actors from DC's films who needed to be digitally enhanced for their roles.
"American Pie" is best remembered for a fresh-baked dessert, but it also featured one of the hottest young casts in Hollywood. Here's what they've done since.