Why is Mr. Burns the way he is, with no morality or care for anyone or the world around him? Well, it's complicated. Here's the backstory of Mr. Burns.
Many fine actors starred in Starship Troopers that you may not remember, so let's see what they've been up to since nuking those bugs. Here's what the cast of Starship Troopers is doing today.
There are already plenty of places to find great action movies just a click away, but the rise of HBO Max means another great film library is now at our disposal. Whether you love car chases or shootouts, big stunts or tightly controlled fight scenes, we've got you covered.
Teen Wolf was a supernatural delight right up until its 2017 end. We're here to catch you up on everything the cast has been doing since they left Beacon Hills.
To help film buffs dive into the stranger side of the slasher movie genre, here's a rundown of some of the most bizarre psycho killers to slash their way through film history.
There's nothing like a good twist ending. Pulling one off is difficult, however -- how many totally obvious "reveals" have you groaned at in your lifetime? Not to worry: This list of Netflix's best twist endings won't leave you hanging, and don't even require you leave the house.
It takes a show a while to get the kinks out, and this one is no exception. Here are all the weird things you might not have realized about the first episode of The Big Bang Theory.
If you're looking for a new show to binge, here are some excellent, varied television shows — all by Black showrunners — that you should absolutely check out.
The first ten episodes of Vikings season 6 contained some huge shocks. Did those major deaths happen for real? Will we ever go back to Wessex? And why is the same actress playing two different characters? Here's everything you need to know before watching the second half of Vikings season 6.
If you're curious what happened to these talented actors after their one huge role, here are a few reasons and theories as to why we haven't seen them in so long.
Today, Toy Story is a franchise boasting multiple movies, TV spin-offs, and merchandise galore. We're here to take it back to its essentials with this timeline chronicling the entire Toy Story saga, from the first film in 1995 to 2019's tear-jerking Toy Story 4.
While the series is driven by a simple premise and defined by its over-the-top battle scenes, there's more to Hunter x Hunter than what happens on the page. From the interesting stories that shaped the series to Togashi's ominous plans for wrapping it up, here's the untold truth of Hunter x Hunter.
If you're curious about the fates and futures of the citizens of Springfield, here's what will happen to the characters of The Simpsons ... eventually.
Defining a movie as a "cult classic" is extremely difficult. Some are campy, some subversive, some lowbrow, and some just plain under the radar. Regardless of how they fit, these are probably films you should see.
The scene gives De Niro his most powerful emotional moment, pays tribute to his long career, and exemplifies what makes him one of the best of his generation.
The '90s was a mixed bag when it came to action movies, with some amazing offerings and some truly terrible films. If you want to see just how mixed that bag was, have a look at our picks for the best and worst '90s action movies.
Friends packed a ton of celebrity cameos into its 10-season run. We're here to remind you with this list of some of the biggest stars to ever cameo on Friends.
There's a whole host of under-the-radar crime stories just waiting to be unearthed. From illegal gambling rings to unsolved mysteries, here are some true crime flicks you may not know about — but should.