• Keanu Reeves in The Matrix Reloaded

    The Most Confusing Moments In The Matrix Trilogy Explained

    Nearly 20 years after the final film in the trilogy, some fans are still scratching their heads over various elements of The Matrix series. So now, we’re taking a look at the most confusing scenes in the franchise and finally explaining these Matrix moments.
  • Daenerys

    The Worst Game Of Thrones Episodes According To IMDb

    Now that Game of Thrones has aired its final episode, it's possible to take a look at which episodes rank among fans' favorites — and least favorites. Here are the worst episodes of Game of Thrones, according to IMDb. One thing they make clear? No one's neutral when it comes to Daenerys' ending.
  • Ron Burgundy.

    The Untold Truth Of Ron Burgundy

    You already know that he owns several leather-bound books and smells of rich mahogany, but here's a few things you might not know about San Diego's most beloved newsperson. This is the untold truth of Ron Burgundy.
  • Voldemort

    Voldemort's Disfigured Face Explained

    Part of what makes Voldemort so memorable is his uniquely alien look. How did the man who was once handsome enough to get away with murder transform himself into an avatar of evil? Join us as we plummet into the depths of Voldemort's magical malfeasance, and the toll it took on his looks.
  • Moon Knight

    Moon Knight Disney+: What We Know So Far

    ​Your days are numbered, evildoers... a very different kind of hero is coming to the MCU. After years of speculation over whether the character would ever find his way to screens, it's finally happening: Marc Spector, a.k.a. Moon Knight, is getting his own series on the Disney+ streaming platform.
  • The Mandalorian

    Small Details You Missed In The Mandalorian Trailer

    The Mandalorian, the first-ever live action Star Wars TV show, arrives this November on Disney+. From nods to past Star Wars films to some classic cinema heritage, here are all the Easter eggs, references, and other details you probably missed in The Mandalorian's debut trailer.
  • The Smurfs

    Things Only Adults Notice In Smurfs

    With all due respect to the French cartoonist Peyo and his seemingly endless army of little blue communists, the Smurfs don't really seem all that deep. But no matter how simple and childish a cartoon might seem, there's always a whole bunch of adults behind the scenes making it.
  • Gandalf the White in action

    Gandalf's Backstory Explained

    What is the background of this strange wanderer, dressed all in grey? Where did he come from and why is he meddling in everyone's affairs? Let's dive into his backstory and see what sets Gandalf up for the critical role he ends up playing throughout The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
  • Bill Skarsgård in It

    Why Bill Skarsgard Hasn't Been The Same Since IT

    You can't play a child-murdering clown and expect to walk away unscathed. When you get into the mindset of an evil ancient entity, you might wind up in some pretty dark places ... like Bill Skarsgard has. Here's why Bill Skarsgård has never quite been the same since It.
  • harley quinn

    Harley Quinn Animated Series - What We Know So Far

    Since she first debuted on Batman: The Animated Series in 1992, Harley Quinn has carved out a substantial fanbase in the crowded Batman rogues' gallery. Multiple projects are in the works surrounding Harley, and one we're very excited about is the upcoming animated series on DC Universe.
  • Mark Hamill

    The Untold Truth Of Mark Hamill

    It's worth taking a closer look at the man who's constantly conflated with his best-known role and see how he's continually broken the mold. This is the untold truth of Mark Hamill.
  • Scene from The Little Mermaid

    The Little Mermaid - What We Know So Far

    Recently, Disney's been dedicated to releasing remakes of their animated classics in live-action — well, live-action and a lot of visual effects work. Now, they're going back to the movie that started the Disney Renaissance, The Little Mermaid. Here's what we know so far.
  • Tom Holland as Spider-Man

    How The MCU Could Replace Spider-Man

    Filling Spidey's webbed boots isn't going to be easy, but Marvel's got plenty of heroes waiting for their shot at the big screen — and one of them just might be the answer to how the MCU could replace Spider-Man.
  • Keanu Reeves

    Why We Haven't Seen Keanu Reeves In The MCU Yet

    Over the years, Marvel has populated its superhero-filled cinematic universe with an extraordinarily talented cast, but they’ve never been able to get Keanu Reeves. However, it isn’t for a lack of trying. So why haven’t we seen Reeves in the MCU yet? Well, it's time to find out.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange

    The MCU Multiverse Explained

    What is a multiverse, how does it work, and why does it matter? More importantly, what does it mean for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? We haven't seen much of it yet, but based on what we've seen and what's coming, here's our best shot at the MCU multiverse explained.