We're looking at the best horror movie endings of the 20th century, an era full of haunted hotels, shapeshifting aliens, and horrible human sacrifices.
We like to think of movie sets as relatively safe, but these movies were among the most hazardous ever to the health (and sometimes the lives) of cast and crew.
With Darren Aronofsky returning to theaters with the polarizing Mother!, it's the perfect time to revisit his films and rank them. Here they are, worst to best.
Some movies have sequels that are blockbusters in their own right. Others, like those here, inexplicably just keep on keepin' on, even longer than you realized.
As a gun-toting vigilante specializing in executing his enemies, there are Punisher stories that might just be too intense to work on the upcoming Netflix show.
Even if the critics hate 'em, there are still some superhero "duds" out there well worth checking out. Here are the ones we think you should check out anyway.
While the fictional version of Larry might be entertaining for the audience, he's an absolute nightmare for the rest of Curb Your Enthusiasm's characters.
From the subversive to the straight-up bonkers, here are some horror movies that many audiences still haven't completely wrapped their heads around to this day
Acting, particularly in death scenes, can cause a lot of built up tension. Sometimes, that tension comes out in the form of hilarious bloopers. Here are a few.