It took a lot of prosthetics and makeup to make Army of the Dead's Zeus and the Queen such a gruesome twosome because in real life they are both gorgeous
Like many zombie movies before it, Army of the Dead is political. Therefore, it's somewhat appropriate there's a cameo from a former White House staffer.
Jason Voorhees' hockey mask is still one of the horror genre's most prevalent images. Here's how it wound upon his face and why he wears it, to begin with.
For a modern take on Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, check out The Woman in the Window, the Amy Adams psychological thriller you need to watch on Netflix.
2010's Shutter Island takes place at the secluded Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane. Here are details on the locations where the movie was filmed.
From Hitchcock hits and seminal noir classics to modern war movies and space epics, these are the only near-perfect thriller films according to Metacritic.
It's unsurprising that many wrestlers have made the jump to Hollywood with great success. Here's one wrestler whom you may not know dabbled in horror films.