Three of the Avengers' most dangerous members have been murdered - or have they? Marvel's latest superhero deaths involve a twist that will linger for months.
Peter Parker is about to become Spider-Goblin, and our exclusive preview of "Amazing Spider-Man" #50 may reveal how the shocking transformation takes place.
As Season 1 of "X-Men '97" draws to a close, the Marvel animated hit has previewed a callback that shows just how far superheroes have come on the screen.
The hatred the X-Men suffer from while heroes like Captain America are revered seems illogical, but there's a solid explanation for the seeming contradiction.
In the comics, Hulk's anger once caused him to revert into a weak, rage-fueled Bruce Banner, a development the MCU may be leading its Jade Giant toward.
"X-Men '97" shows how one member of Marvel's premier mutant team just might be stronger than even the Incredible Hulk - under certain circumstances, at least.
The Shi'ar Imperial Guard's leader, Gladiator, is a twist on Superman, but despite similar powers, his major weakness differs greatly from the Man of Steel's.
If you're not familiar with Cassandra Nova, then get ready - Professor X's evil twin is even more powerful than the "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer lets on.
The latest "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer gave us a glimpse at the MCU's golden boys kicking butt and taking names - as well as a whole mess of Easter eggs.
Even Stan Lee wasn't a fan of some Marvel Comics storylines, including a very significant development for one of his most popular creations: Spider-Man.
What would a "Spider-Man" television series set in the '60s look like? Well, AI tried to answer that question, with some less than spectacular results.
Marvel's "Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1 skewers Elon Musk's vaunted Cybertruck and more with a satirical tale targeting corporate greed and modern consumerism.
The Marvel shows on Netflix have a reputation for being more steamy and violent than the studio's theatrical releases -- but were they really that raunchy?
Marvel has revealed five comics you have to read before seeing director Matt Shankman's "Fantastic Four" film, but what do they tell us about the MCU reboot?
Madisynn was an instant fan favorite on the Disney+ series "She-Hulk," and she'll soon be making her Marvel return on the pages of "What If...? Venom."
Doctor Strange is about to bond with the Venom symbiote, and our exclusive preview of the "What If...?" issue reveals how the frightening alliance happens.