• Justice League promo image

    The Sad Truth Behind The Snyder Cut Of Justice League

    It sounds like no amount of hash-tagging is going to convince Warner Bros. to give us Zack Snyder's fabled cut of ​Justice League. Even as the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign has grown, the position of the studio that it will not release Snyder's version of the flick​ has remained unchanged.
  • Still from Avengers: Endgame

    The Deleted Smart Hulk Scenes We Never Got To See

    ​Bruce Banner and his angry, green alter-ego almost came to an understanding one movie sooner. In a recent interview, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely revealed that Smart Hulk almost made his dramatic debut in the third act of Avengers: Infinity War, during the battle of Wakanda.
  • Emperor Palpatine

    We Now Know The Real Reason For Palpatine's Huge Return

    ​Emperor Palpatine owes his return to ​Star Wars​ to another guy's exit. Speaking with ​Empire​​, ​filmmaker Colin Trevorrow — who at one point was attached to write and direct the ninth film in the Skywalker Saga — disclosed that it was J.J. Abrams whose idea it was to bring back the character.
  • Still from Avengers: Endgame

    We Now Know Why Hulk Was Injured By The Infinity Gauntlet

    Hulk's sizzled arm has finally received the Avengers: Endgame post-release lore treatment. The reason the Green Goliath was injured so badly using the Infinity Stones (while Thanos was not) is simple: it was a purposeful choice to continue highlighting the magnitude of the Mad Titan's strength.
  • Charlie's Angels Naomi Scott poster

    The Charlie's Angels Catastrophe Just Keeps Getting Worse

    Charlie and his Angels likely aren't ever leaving box office hell. After 10 days at the box office following its November 15 debut, Elizabeth Banks' Charlie's Angels reboot has earned just $13.8 million domestically, with a bleak take-home of only $3 million during its second weekend in theaters.
  • Daniel Craig as James Bond

    The Real Reason Daniel Craig Is Quitting James Bond

    The next chapter in the James Bond saga may be titled No Time To Die, but it appears it is indeed time for Daniel Craig to say his official goodbye to the spy life. The actor has for the first time confirmed that the next Bond film will be his last, after seemingly years of dodging the question.
  • Kristen Stewart in Charlie's Angels

    Charlie's Angels Blame Game Just Keeps Getting More Intense

    Following the dismal debut of Sony's Charlie's Angels reboot, director Elizabeth Banks has offered up a few hot takes on why the angelic trio was taken down at the box office. During the film's U.K. premiere, she gave a new comment — and it casts a critical eye on the film's marketing campaign.
  • Henry Cavill Admits What We Suspected All Along

    Henry Cavill is apparently not one to mince words. In a recent interview with ​Men's Health,​ the actor and erstwhile Superman was asked about the three films in which he filled out Kal-El's famous cape. In responding, he admitted to feeling exactly like the rest of us do about ​Justice League.
  • Still from Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame's Vormir Scene Almost Ended Much Differently

    The dusted may have been returned in Marvel's box office behemoth Avengers: Endgame​, but it seems the dust still hasn't quite settled when it comes to one of the film's more heartbreaking scenes. The scene in question: the death of fan-favorite, O.G. Avenger Natasha Romanoff​, aka Black Widow.​​
  • Jumanji: The Next Level promo image

    What The Critics Are Saying About Jumanji: The Next Level

    ​The ​Jumanji​ franchise is taking action-comedy to... well, it's right there in the title. The third film in the series, ​Jumanji: The Next Level,​ has screened for critics — and while they're not yet allowed to pen formal reviews, many of them have taken to social media to offer their praise.
  • Avengers: Endgame promo image

    Age Of Ultron Deleted Scene Stars A Surprisingly Familiar Face

    ​Our introduction to one of the MCU's most powerful heroes nearly came much sooner. A special feature included with the Infinity Saga box set illustrates a tidbit disclosed by ​Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige in 2015: that Captain Marvel was almost introduced at the end of that film.
  • Henry Cavill Bond

    The Sad Reason Henry Cavill Got Shot Down To Play James Bond

    Henry Cavill might be one of Hollywood's most desirable leading men, but his path to that point wasn't always so smooth. The actor recently opened up about some of his more harrowing auditions — and as it turns out, he was once deemed literally unfit to play James Bond.
  • Rise of Skywalker EW still

    Rise Of Skywalker Stills Reveal More Than We Thought

    Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker will soon hit theaters, but Lucasfilm and parent company Disney aren't yet done hitting us with tantalizing teases. Entertainment Weekly has published a set of eight new stills from the film, and they are more than a little revealing.
  • Still from Cats trailer

    Twitter Is Completely Roasting The New Cats Trailer

    The latest Cats trailer seems to be just as much of a trainwreck as the first, and Twitter can't look away. Universal has released the second teaser for its upcoming musical film, and it looks like the studio has failed to find a way to course-correct. The internet, unsurprisingly, has noticed.
  • Avengers: Endgame poster

    The Team-Up Scene In Endgame That Didn't Make It To The Final Cut

    Since the release of Avengers: Endgame, various members of its creative team have revealed moments that were cut to preserve the three-hour film's pacing. Among these sequences was a moment co-writer Christopher Markus called "the biggest amount of star power" to ever be cut in film history.
  • Avengers: Endgame promo image

    Only Two Endgame Scenes Actually Featured The Whole Cast

    Avengers: Endgame will go down in history as one of the most enormous movies of all time, but you might not realize just how huge it was until you realize that the cast could barely even all fit onscreen at the same time. Only two scenes in the three-hour film featured the cast in its entirety.
  • Avengers: Endgame promo image

    The Epic Black Panther Fight Scene Cut From Avengers: Endgame

    The cat's out of the bag about why Black Panther had such a brief fight sequence in Avengers: Endgame. The hero was one of a countless number that needed to be featured, and they all bore the task of driving the final fight toward that climactic confrontation between Thanos and Iron Man.
  • Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye

    We Finally Know Why Hawkeye Never Got His Own Movie

    Arrows are set to fly when Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye spinoff serie​s hits the Disney+ streaming platform in 2021, but it turns out there was originally a very different plan for Marvel's bow-loving Avenger — to give Clint Barton his moment in the cinematic sun via a feature film.
  • Tony STark fan art

    Endgame Deleted Scene Shows Us Tony In The Afterlife

    ​​Avengers: Endgame​ tugged on our heartstrings plenty — but a deleted scene would have straight-up yanked on them. The scene in question, recently made available on Disney+, depicts Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) visiting an ethereal afterlife immediately after his universe-saving snap.