The long-awaited "The Flash" film, starring Ezra Miller with an anticipated cameo from Michael Keaton, will debut a trailer at Super Bowl LVII in February.
Rian Johnson has detailed how his painstaking approach to scripting his 2012 sci-fi mindbender honed the skills he later brought to Star Wars and Knives Out.
"Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" writer/director Rian Johnson excels at piling on the mysteries, but it turns out he doesn't keep his cast in the dark.
"Avatar: The Way of Water" costume designer Deborah L. Scott discussed her collaborations with James Cameron and shared the words she thinks best define him.
The Whale's filming location put the cast through less than ideal conditions, according to Sadie Sink. The actress said that wasps and cold plagued the process.
"Avatar: The Way of Water" continues the story of the Na'vi. With a slew of follow-up movies soon to come, the filmmakers have a lot of information to include.
Christian Bale says Leonardo DiCaprio's turned-down roles have helped him find work, but here's one famous role DiCaprio accepted that could have gone to Bale.
Like a real onion, "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" has various layers to unravel. Daniel Craig spoke about his performance's multiple layers of deception.
"Babylon" star Li Jun Li discussed the film's old Hollywood inspirations, the history of the actress who inspired her character, and more in an interview.
"Avatar 2: The Way of Water" sees director James Cameron and his team reach new VFX heights, and Cameron says using this tech helps avoid on-set distractions.
Ridley Scott has discussed the ways in which Joaquin Phoenix has evolved between their last collaboration on Gladiator and their new project, Napoleon.