"Daredevil" on Netflix was a beloved series, and Disney has high hopes for "Daredevil: Born Again" as one actor reveals there are already plans for Season 2.
Throughout the current "Thor" run, The God of Thunder has had visions related to the seventh Infinity Stone, and a preview teases Hela's connection to it.
Director Louis Leterrier has revealed that this summer's "Fast X" will, finally, take the "Fast and Furious" franchise back to its street racing roots.
While many fans agree Kieran Culkin is perfect as Roman Roy in "Succession," another star from the series almost played the character before Culkin did.
"Succession" is finally back with Season 4, and Kieran Culkin revealed in an interview which Roy he believes is best suited to take over Logan's business.
If the list of upcoming "John Wick" projects wasn't already enough, one of the franchise's producers has teased that a new mystery spin-off is due for a reveal.
"John Wick: Chapter 4" and "Ballerina" writer Shay Hatten teased Looper on how the upcoming spin-off will open up a new corner of the "John Wick" universe.
Joshua Williamson and Sean Izaakse took us behind the scenes of the new "Green Arrow" comic series, shared what they love about the characters, and more.
Following the death of a production horse while filming for "The Rings of Power" Season 2, PETA has called on the creative team to opt for CGI animals.
Attorneys for MCU actor Jonathan Majors have stated that video evidence will prove the actor's innocence following his arrest by NYPD officers this week.