• Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen Game of Thrones season 8

    GoT Showrunners Reveal What Drogon Did With Daenerys' Body

    Many Game of Thrones fans have wondered what happened to Daenerys after she was killed, where Drogon took her, and if there was even a body left to bury. Now, these Game of Thrones mysteries have been unraveled, thanks to the commentary track on the DVD release of the show's final season.
  • Still from The Irishman

    Netflix Gives Perfect Response To Viewers Hating On The Irishman

    ​Martin Scorsese's Netflix original film ​The Irishman​ is getting dragged quite a bit online — so the official Twitter account Netflix Film decided to do a little dragging back. The account jumped in to respond to a tweet humorously lamenting the user's only available option for viewing.
  • Game of Thrones finale commentary track

    Surprising Things We Learned From The GoT Finale DVD Commentary

    Game of Thrones still has a few secrets left to share. After the show wrapped its eight-season run, Thrones fans were thrown into a frenzy over the wildly unpopular series finale. Luckily, a new commentary track is here to clear up some of the finale's threads and offer some surprising revelations.
  • The Mandalorian character poster

    Newest Mandalorian Episode Features A Huge Mistake

    ​Hey, Mando — we know you're a man of few words, but can you say ​whoops​? After the fourth installment of ​The Mandalorian​ hit Disney+, fans noticed that the episode had fallen prey to one of the oldest, most common boneheaded errors in filmmaking history: the old boom-mic-in-the-shot gaffe.
  • Will Ferrell Saturday Night Live

    These Will Ferrell SNL Sketches That Were Cut For Time Are Must-Sees

    Will Ferrell is a Saturday Night Live legend, and when he circled back to host the show for a fifth time, he proved that his comedy chops are sharp as ever. Ferrell partook in a handful of sketches that were cut for time, and you won't want to miss out on the laughs that result from watching them.
  • Iron Man 3 poster

    The Real Reason Marvel Decided Not To Make Iron Man 4

    ​Iron Man is the greatest of all the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe — so why did his solo films stop at three? In a recent​​ interview, ​Avengers: Endgame​ screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely shed some light on why the Armored Avenger never got a fourth solo outing.
  • Still from The Mandalorian

    The Ending Of The Mandalorian Chapter Four Explained

    The Force giveth and taketh away — that's the lesson poor Mando learns in the newest chapter of The Mandalorian. As Mando grows more obviously attached to his onetime bounty, and the consequences of his betrayal of his guild begin to stack up, how does this end in anything other than tragedy?
  • Rise of Skywalker poster

    How A Star Wars Script Almost Got Sold On eBay

    In what would've been a security breach on the level of those Death Star plans falling into the hands of the Rebels, it seems that a legit screenplay from J.J. Abrams' Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker almost made it out into the world over a month before the film's release.
  • Karen Gillan

    Gillan Shows Off Her Amazing TMNT Cosplay

    ​From Nebula, to Ruby, to... April? Currently making the rounds in support of ​Jumanji: The Next Level,​ star Karen Gillan took to social media to post photos of herself in attire similar to that favored by an iconic comic book character: April O'Neil, friend of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • Justice League promo image

    The Sad Truth Behind The Snyder Cut Of Justice League

    It sounds like no amount of hash-tagging is going to convince Warner Bros. to give us Zack Snyder's fabled cut of ​Justice League. Even as the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign has grown, the position of the studio that it will not release Snyder's version of the flick​ has remained unchanged.
  • The first Hulk in Avengers #26

    Marvel Comics Reveals Earth's First Gay Super-Couple

    In one of the most recent issues of Avengers, comic readers got to meet the earliest same-sex couple in Marvel's long history.​ In Avengers #26, we meet two cavemen who leave their respective tribes because they know they're different in ways their prehistoric brethren won't understand.
  • Still from Avengers: Endgame

    The Deleted Smart Hulk Scenes We Never Got To See

    ​Bruce Banner and his angry, green alter-ego almost came to an understanding one movie sooner. In a recent interview, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely revealed that Smart Hulk almost made his dramatic debut in the third act of Avengers: Infinity War, during the battle of Wakanda.
  • Still from The Mandalorian

    Disney Is Releasing Baby Yoda Merchandise For Christmas

    ​Fear not, ​Mandalorian​ fans — everyone's favorite 50 year-old infant will be on physical and virtual shelves in time for Christmas. Disney has announced that merchandise featuring "The Child" — or, as viewers of the Disney+ series have nicknamed it, "Baby Yoda" — will be on sale as soon as Friday.
  • Emperor Palpatine

    We Now Know The Real Reason For Palpatine's Huge Return

    ​Emperor Palpatine owes his return to ​Star Wars​ to another guy's exit. Speaking with ​Empire​​, ​filmmaker Colin Trevorrow — who at one point was attached to write and direct the ninth film in the Skywalker Saga — disclosed that it was J.J. Abrams whose idea it was to bring back the character.
  • Still from Avengers: Endgame

    We Now Know Why Hulk Was Injured By The Infinity Gauntlet

    Hulk's sizzled arm has finally received the Avengers: Endgame post-release lore treatment. The reason the Green Goliath was injured so badly using the Infinity Stones (while Thanos was not) is simple: it was a purposeful choice to continue highlighting the magnitude of the Mad Titan's strength.
  • Robert Pattinson Batman fan art

    Pattinson Is Reportedly Running Into Some Big Trouble Filming The Batman

    ​Robert Pattinson might be running into a big issue while preparing for ​The Batman.​ ​In a recent YouTube stream, ​Beyond the Trailer​'s Grace Randolph disclosed that sources close to the film's production are reporting that the actor is having trouble packing on the necessary pounds for the role.
  • Charlie's Angels Naomi Scott poster

    The Charlie's Angels Catastrophe Just Keeps Getting Worse

    Charlie and his Angels likely aren't ever leaving box office hell. After 10 days at the box office following its November 15 debut, Elizabeth Banks' Charlie's Angels reboot has earned just $13.8 million domestically, with a bleak take-home of only $3 million during its second weekend in theaters.
  • The Mandalorian / Boba Fett

    The Differences Between The Mandalorian And Boba Fett Explained

    ​Before the release of ​The Mandalorian​, it was speculated by some fans that the title character might actually ​be​ Boba Fett. The bounty hunter may very well be wandering the galaxy during the events of ​the series​ — but the differences between the two characters are many, and significant.
  • Rick and Morty season 4 episode 3 One Flew Over the Crewcoo's Morty

    What Happened On Rick And Morty Season 4, Episode 3

    Thought the time heist in Avengers: Endgame was epic? Can't get enough of heist movies? Well, grab your helmet and double-check your health insurance policy, because the latest episode of Rick and Morty will blow your mind. Here's what happened on Rick and Morty season 4, episode 3.