• Robert Downey, Jr.

    How Robert Downey, Jr. Felt About Tony Stark's Endgame Story

    ​The MCU's biggest star had just as many feels as the rest of us over where his character ended up. Endgame​ directors Joe and Anthony Russo related in an interview that Robert Downey, Jr. was at peace with the fate of Tony Stark, the character who launched the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man Avengers: Endgame poster

    The Origins Of Endgame's 'I Love You 3,000' Line Finally Revealed

    One aspect of Avengers: Endgame that packed a heart-rending punch was the line little Morgan Stark told her father, Tony, early on in the film, and the same one he repeated back to her at the end: "I love you 3,000." After much fan speculation, we finally know the true origins of the phrase.
  • Gabriel Luna as Ghost Rider

    Live-Action Ghost Rider And Helstrom Series In The Works At Hulu

    ​Hulu is continuing to build up its Mighty Marvel portfolio. The streamer has announced that it has plans for two live-action series based on Marvel properties: Helstrom, featuring two supernaturally powered siblings, and Ghost Rider, which will see Gabriel Luna reprise the role of Robbie Reyes.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange

    The Big Doctor Strange Plot Hole In Endgame Finally Explained

    ​Another day, another explanation of what seems to be a plot hole in ​Avengers: Endgame​. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo addressed a bevy of questions during a recent Q&A in China. Among these: why couldn't Doctor Strange simply, say, portal Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet hand into another dimension?
  • Thanos Avengers Infinity War

    The Surprise Endgame Final Battle Cameo You Probably Missed

    Everyone who's anyone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe showed up for the final fight in Avengers: Endgame — including one character you most likely didn't spot the first time around. Several fans discovered that an interesting Marvel character made a cameo appearance during Endgame's climax.
  • Joaquin Phoenix Joker Hugo Weaving Red Skull

    Joaquin Phoenix Was Almost Cast As The Red Skull - Exclusive

    With the release of this fall's Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix, we'll see the debut of the latest theatrical take on one of the most iconic comic book supervillains ever created. But Phoenix could've been cast in the role of a completely different legendary bad guy for Marvel, not DC.
  • Captain Britain

    The Endgame Easter Egg That Might Have Teased A New MCU Hero

    The MCU may have another Captain on the horizon. A seemingly throwaway line from ​Avengers: Endgame​ had comic fans' ears perked up, as it just may have teased the arrival of a classic hero for the MCU's Phase 4 — Brian Braddock, the superpowered ​protector known as Captain Britain.
  • Daniela Melchior

    The Suicide Squad: Daniela Melchior Cast As Ratcatcher

    Warner Bros. and DC Films have caught their Ratcatcher. Newcomer Daniela Melchior is set to join the cast of director James Gunn's The Suicide Squad. She'll portray Ratcatcher, an ex-employee of the Gotham City Sanitation Department who has the ability to control legions of rats.
  • Thor Chris Hemsworth

    Here's The Real Reason Thor Took On That New Look In Endgame

    For Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the fallout of Avengers: Infinity War and the first few moments of Avengers: Endgame changed nearly everything about him — most noticeably his physical appearance. The film's screenwriters have explained the real reason why Thor looked so different in Endgame.
  • Avengers: Endgame poster

    Joe Russo Reveals The True Hero Of Endgame

    In the battle against Thanos, the day​ was ultimately won by a tiny, unlikely hero. No, not ​that ​one, but you're close. Avengers: Endgame​ co-director Joe Russo let slip during an interview the true hero of the film, and if you're anything like us, his revelation had already crossed your mind.
  • Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor: Ragnarok

    The Endgame Actor Who Didn't Even Film Any New Footage

    Most everyone who has ever been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far gave another piece of themselves to Avengers: Endgame. One star, however, put hardly any effort into their role in the epic superhero assemblage. Here's the actor who didn't even film any new footage for Endgame.
  • David Dastmalchian

    James Gunn's The Suicide Squad Casts David Dastmalchian

    The Suicide Squad has snagged a new dude. David Dastmalchian, known for playing Scott Lang's hacker friend Kurt in Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp, recently inked a deal to join the James Gunn-directed sequel-slash-reboot to the original Suicide Squad from 2016. Here's who he's set to play.
  • Jordan Peele in The Twilight Zone

    Twilight Zone Renewed For Season 2 At CBS All Access

    Get ready for a return trip to the dimension of imagination. After a strong showing by the debut season's first half, Jordan Peele's revival of the classic series ​The Twilight Zone​ had been picked up for a second season by streamer CBS All Access. ​Deadline​ ​reported the news.
  • Night King Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3

    The Night King Question No One Is Asking After The Big Battle

    When it comes to Game of Thrones, certain episodes leave us with more questions than they answer. The latest installment of the series' final season cleared up a massive uncertainty fans have had since the very beginning, but there's a huge question no one is asking after the Battle of Winterfell.
  • Namor

    Endgame May Have Teased The Arrival Of Another Major Character

    Another legacy Marvel character may be about to come bubbling to the surface of the MCU. A scene early in Avengers: Endgame seems designed to tease the arrival of Namor, the Sub-Mariner, an anti-hero with an 80-year publication history who has served as both a nemesis and an ally to Marvel's heroes.
  • Carice van Houten as Melisandre on Game of Thrones

    Arya And Melisandre's Final Conversation Ignites GoT Theory

    Fans can always count on Melisandre to deliver powerful truths and change the lives of many. One such Westerosi whom Melisandre has crossed paths with is Arya Stark, and on the latest episode of Game of Thrones, the two had a conversation that has ignited a theory about how the series might end.
  • Game of Thrones the Night King season 8 episode 3 Battle of Winterfell

    Game Of Thrones: What's Coming After The Battle Of Winterfell

    The third episode of Game of Thrones' final season was all sorts of intense, the brutality of the Battle of Winterfell nearly taking out our Westerosi heroes. With just three episode left of Game of Thrones and the biggest fight done and dusted, how will everyone move forward? We've got the scoop.
  • Karen Gillan as Nebula

    Endgame Writers Explain Why A Major Death Couldn't Be Reversed

    Even the power of all six Infinity Stones combined has its limits. So declared Avengers: Endgame screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely in a recent sitdown with the New York Times, addressing the film's wrenching death of one of the MCU's longest-tenured characters.
  • Thor

    What Happened To Thor's Hammer In Endgame?

    ​It's time to talk about a scene in ​Avengers: Endgame​ that had audiences cheering (as opposed to openly weeping; there were plenty of those scenes, as well). It happened during the film's climactic final confrontation between the Avengers and Thanos, and be advised that massive spoilers follow.
  • Night King Game of Thrones

    The Reason GoT Fans Are So Angry Over The Battle Of Winterfell

    There are many reasons why Game of Thrones fans can get outraged over an episode. Though Thrones' eighth season has yet to shock viewers just for the sake of it, it still has people bent out of shape. While watching the Battle of Winterfell episode, fans took to social media to express their anger.