Season 13 of Shark Tank featured a company called Browndages, which makes band-aids that come in varying skin tones. What happened after they made their pitch?
An analysis of Shark Tank recently discovered how the tank really works: many of the successful deals either fall through, or they end up changing drastically.
If Ehime Eigbe and Michael Akindele had any level of confidence walking in front of the Shark Tank panel with their company Sweetkiwi, that faith was justified.
Freddy Dodge and Juan Ibarra are two miners from "Gold Rush" who have proven time and again how resourceful they are, even making their own equipment parts.
Mark Cuban explained that his daughters and wife would understand this product, and for that, offered Fiona Co Chan $400,000 for 8% ownership with no royalties.
Longtime "Shark Tank" fans may remember that Echo Valley Meats was dismissed during their first appearance. However, they turned it around and found success.
Bree Harrison offered some points of consideration for fans who were thinking of making Gold Rush into a career path instead of just an addictive watch.
Some Catfish couples, like Season 1's Rico and Ja'mari, managed to weather the lies and stay together by the end of their episode. But what happened after?
Dakota Fred Hurt from "Gold Rush: White Water" has a reputation for being no-nonsense, but Kayla Sheets, his stepdaughter, says there is more to him than this.
In an interview about Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue, Gold Rush star Freddie Dodge revealed that he became friends with his co-host Juan Ibarra from the get-go.