The crews on "Deadliest Catch" have to deal with a number of scary and dangerous situations. Sig Hansen shared what he was thinking when a fire broke out.
Transitions can be hard, and Edgar Hansen on "Deadliest Catch" had some insight into the specific difficulties of changing positions on board a crabbing boat.
Captain Sig Hansen from "Deadliest Catch" doesn't think the History show about the dangers of crab fishing in the Bering Sea should be considered reality TV.
Since Season 6, Episode 21 of "Shark Tank," fans have wondered if Coco Jack inventor Dave Goodman was able to slice out what he needs to ensure a business.
On the Season 10 finale of "Shark Tank," the creator of Quikflip struck a deal with Lori Greiner. Here's what happened to Quikflip after appearing on the show.
Fans have seen the harsh conditions endured by the fishermen on "Deadliest Catch," but fans might not be aware of the carpal tunnel many endure off-camera.
Remember Tough Tie from "Shark Tank?" You're probably wondering what ever happened to those charismatic guys. Here's what happened after the show aired!
Many stars on "Deadliest Cast" experienced hard times throughout their lives. Jake Anderson's book shares some of his experiences in order to inspire hope.
Rip Carlton is new to TV, but he has a long history on the Bering Sea. Facts about Deadliest Catch captain Rip Carlton fans should cast their nets for.
Viewers of "Deadliest Catch" might be wondering what catch per unit means for the crews on the show. Here's a look at that term and what is really means.
As Sig Hansen notes, the foul language of the crews featured on "Deadliest Catch" helps keep the crab fishing experience authentic for those watching at home.
"Jackass" has resonated with audiences since it first appeared on MTV in the year 2000, but why? According to Johnny Knoxville, it all boils down to honesty.
Ellyette Gheno brought her business named BootayBag to "Shark Tank" and struck a deal with guest-Shark Kendra Scott. But how has the business been doing since?
A&E's reality staple has unforgettable characters, but which ones made the most cash? Here's the Storage Wars cast members ranked from least to most successful.