My 600-lb Life's Pauline Potter, who once held the title of World's Heaviest Woman, notably resisted Dr. Now's weight loss plan. Here's what she's up to now.
Las Vegas and the Mafia go hand-in-hand. When a seller appears on "Pawn Stars" claiming to have a ring that belonged to Lucky Luciano, the guys want it.
Chumlee is a mainstay on History's "Pawn Stars," but there's an issue with his characterization that some viewers have noticed, and it's rather bothersome.
Surely two halberds from the 1500s ought to fetch a good price on Pawn Stars, right? Here's what two 500-year-old poleaxes were actually worth on Pawn Stars.
Rick Harrison is no stranger to bizarre items with high price tags. So he wasn't thrown when on an episode of "Pawn Stars," a seller brought a Da Vinci machine.
The guys from Pawn Stars came upon a huge stash of movie and TV props, including stuff from Baywatch. You'll be shocked at the asking price for these items.
Over 18 seasons, Pawn Stars has showcased hundreds of amazing trinkets from the past. Here's how much a 90-year-old Lionel train set sold for on the show.