There's always some confusion in time travel movies. If you've ever had a burning question about "Back to the Future," the answer you need might be right here.
Christopher Nolan's Interstellar is a complex film that incorporates real science into its story. But there is one scientific scene that makes no sense.
In Season 7 of "NCIS," this former "Starship Troopers" actress played the role of Holly Snow, a key player in a murder investigation who gets under Gibbs' skin.
Has Doc Brown time-traveled before? Did Marty die and have to be resurrected? And why are his parents so dumb? We explore "Back to the Future" fan theories.
Viewers clearly love the sci-fi epic Dune, but both film adaptations have done a bit of picking and choosing about what they keep from the source material.
While the Tron sci-fi franchise is known for starring Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, and Olivia Wilde, Tron: Legacy also stars a familiar Chicago Med actor.
Adapted from the book The Club Dumas, the 1999 movie The Ninth Gate starring Johnny Depp is all about a man's quest to figure out if the Devil is real.
HAL's relationship with the crew in "2001: A Space Odyssey" has sparked a theory that has fans looking twice at this computerized character's true nature.
During the opening moments of "Interstellar," Christopher Nolan carefully lays down a clue regarding Murph's future and the outcome of Cooper's mission.
Among all the superstars in "Interstellar", audiences might have forgotten that the sci-fi drama film served as one of Timothée Chalamet's earliest roles.
In Interstellar, the sarcastic robot TARS, who is Cooper's companion on the Endurance, is voiced by someone who will be very familiar to Law & Order: SVU fans.
Let's look at the "Terminator" franchise through the lens of box office returns and critical reception to determine the "least successful" movie in the series.
While it's undoubtedly one of his most beloved performances, Harrison Ford has often spoken out about the issues he has with his role in "Blade Runner."