"Grey's Anatomy" is known for its revolving door of characters and heartthrobs, as well as big returns. Could Jesse Williams be the next example of the latter?
Fans of the show will know that "My Lucky Day" was an outlier for "Chicago Fire." But why? And what really went on behind the scenes that day of filming?
Dwayne Johnson, despite his confidence in the potential success of "Black Adam," doesn't want to encroach on the MCU's territory with the upcoming film.
Halbrand/Sauron actor Charlie Vickers has some more grounded hopes for his time in the 2nd season of Amazon's "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power."
When Professor Crawley appeared in Season 3, Episode 2 of "The Big Bang Theory," he was a familiar face to a lot of fans. But what else has the actor been in?
"She-Hulk" creator Jessica Gao recently spoke in depth about the show's Season 1 finale, which featured a fourth-wall-breaking moment between Jen and K.E.V.I.N.
Most actors would give their right hand, Luke Skywalker style, to appear in either Star Wars or Indiana Jones -- these lucky ducks managed to appear in both!
While not as popular as movies like The Lion King or Shrek, The Land Before Time remains a childhood animated classic. Here's the story of how it came together.
Few Marvel characters have been as all-over-the-place as Wong. We examine his variations as a servant, a Sorcerer Supreme, a Target employee, and a superhero.
Viola Davis recently starred in the historical epic "The Woman King," but she revealed on the show "Hot Ones" that her one-woman show impacted her career most.
Halbrand's (Charlie Vickers) fight at a bar in Episode 3 of "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Powers" takes on a deeper meaning following the season finale.
The latest episode of the final season of "Atlanta" on FX featured a violent gun altercation, which writer Stephen Glover feared may have gone too far.