In the wake of a Transformers X Godzilla toy line being announced, we do a deep dive to see who would come out on top if the franchises battled each other.
The original design for Darth Maul in "The Phantom Menace" was so terrifying, it actually scared George Lucas in real life. Here's why it was so horrifying.
In the 1990s, Nickelodeon's "Ren & Stimpy" drew a lot of controversy for its oftentimes graphic, adult themes. Here’s what happened to the infamous show.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, we now know how the "Star Wars" universe will look like if the galaxy far, far away was actually somewhere in the deep South.
Everyone knows Marvel's Deadpool loves a particular type of food ... right? According to the character's co-creator, the real answer might surprise you.
Ever since "Duck Dynasty" ended its 11-season run in 2017, cast member Sadie Robertson Huff has turned to a diverse range of career and life activities.
A recent revelation about the Orcs in Amazon's "The Rings of Power" has some fans decrying the series for going "woke." Here's why they're completely wrong.
Most Star Wars fans are familiar with the distinct voice of Gungan leader Boss Nass in "The Phantom Menace." Here's what the character's actor looks like.