The reality show “Below Deck” has featured a rotating cast of crew members on various superyachts. In season 3, Raquel “Rocky” Dakota forever made her mark on the Bravo franchise.
Her only season on the show saw her butting heads with her boss, chief stew Kate Chastain, and hooking up with bosun Eddie Lucas, one of the first romances discovered on the show.
Dakota gave an update on her life in a 2015 interview with Bravo. After going on a wild girls’ trip to Europe, she became vegan, moved to Hawaii, and got her yoga certification.
“Yoga has really been my savior and has guided me into a healthy and an even more positive direction,” Dakota said. She also worked on yacht brochures and freelanced in Florida.
After losing her sister in 2017, Dakota seems to be enjoying every second of every day. Her Instagram is full of Bible verses, nature photos, yoga poses, and her love of cooking.
While she moved on to a more peaceful lifestyle, “Rocky” appeared in the 2020 “Below Deck 100th Episode Special,” and it was clear there was still tension with her former boss.