Daniel Radcliffe Confirms Suspicions About A Potential Cursed Child Return


Chris Columbus, who directed the first two "Harry Potter" films, recently stated that he was interested in tackling a film adaptation of the stage show "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" using the film franchise’s original actors.

Unfortunately, the idea isn't something that Radcliffe currently sees himself wanting to participate in. In an interview, he said, "I'm getting to a point where I feel like I made it out of “Potter” okay and I'm really happy with where I am now, and to go back would be such a massive change to my life."

However, before you get too disappointed Radcliffe’s not entirely ruling it out. He continued, "I'm never going to say never. The “Star Wars” guys had like 30, 40 years before they went back. For me, it's only been 10. It's not something I'm really interested in doing right now."