TV - Movies
Is Stray
Coming To
Xbox Series
X And S?
Cat lovers of the gaming world have been rejoicing ever since the announcement of "Stray," a third-person adventure game from Annapurna, however, it’s been a little unclear just who will have the opportunity to play it. It seems that Steam members and PlayStation owners will get their shot at the game, but what about Xbox users?
Gamers who chose to go with Microsoft's line-up of consoles have the advantage of certain features like Xbox Game Pass, but they may end up missing out on some of the exclusive games that PlayStation is keeping all to itself. It seems like "Stray" is going to be one of those titles and those who want to play it on the Xbox Series X|S may be out of luck.
"Stray" is a timed PlayStation console exclusive which means the game will only be available on the PC, PS4, and PS5 for a predetermined amount of time. It's unclear exactly how long the exclusivity window will last, but it's entirely possible that it will be available on the Xbox Series X|S shortly after those rights expire.