Kakegurui Season
3 - Will It Ever
TV - Movies
"Kakegurui" is an anime series on Netflix that follows the students at Hyakkou Private Academy, an elite institution that, instead of ranking its students based on academic ability or even performance in sports, encourages them to refine their skills of gambling. With the Second Season airing in 2019, many fans have been waiting for an announcement for Season 3.
Renewals are often based on popularity and source material, and as Netflix does not release viewing numbers to the public, we don’t know how popular the series actually is. Good reviews and ratings don't necessarily reflect actual statistics when it comes to who and how many people are watching.
So, without a solid renewal announcement either from anime studio Mappa or distributor Netflix, which is licensed to stream the series outside of Japan, there's no way of knowing if "Kakegurui" is coming back for Season 3. That unfortunately means, should Mappa announce a renewal today, the show would still have to go through the long process of production.