Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory's Deep Picard Reference Only Star Trek Fans Caught
Collage featuring Picard, Sheldon, and Leonard
"Star Trek" is arguably the top franchise that "The Big Bang Theory" holds the most reverence for, and there’s an in-joke that non-Trekkies may have missed the significance of.
Indiana Jones faces a cobra in Raiders of the Lost Ark
In Season 4’s episode "The 21-Second Excitation," Sheldon Cooper and his friends attend a theatrical showing of a special cut of "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
Star Trek actor Wil Wheaton smiling
The line to get in is exceptionally long, and Sheldon subsequently runs into "Star Trek" actor Wil Wheaton, who taunts him by using his star status to cut the line and get in.
Wil Wheaton and Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory
Incensed by Wheaton, Sheldon proceeds to shout: "As Captain Jean-Luc Picard once said, the line must be drawn here! This far! No farther!"
Captain Picard from Star Trek
Trekkies know that Sheldon is directly quoting Captain Picard's iconic line from "Star Trek: First Contact," right down to replicating the impassioned emphasis on the word "here."
Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory in a crowd
In doing so, "The Big Bang Theory" cleverly pays homage to Captain Picard's "Star Trek: First Contact" quote by recontextualizing its use to reference an actual line of people.