LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - APRIL 25: Prada - 93rd Academy Awards - Bryan Cranston on April 25, 2021 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Rachel Murray/Getty Images for Bryan Cranston)
TV - Movies
The Breaking Bad
Filming Location
That Caused
Real-Life Trouble
While TV shows are not always filmed in the actual locations where they take place, “Breaking Bad,” which is set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was actually shot mostly in that city. The desert scenery and low costs made Albuquerque a near perfect place for filming the series, but being onsite did lead to some unfortunate and unforeseen consequences.
Walter White’s house — a real house rather than a set — was one of the recurring locations filmed in the city, and although it had its benefits, such as being able to capture authentic shots, there were also certain drawbacks. It did not take fans long to figure out where the house was, and to start flocking to it in large numbers, causing disruptions.
Even when the series concluded, crowds of fans would show up randomly, wanting a picture or selfie with the house, and cause so much trouble that the owners were afraid to leave their home unattended. Eventually, the owners built a six-foot wrought iron fence in front of the house to deter visitors, but even that obstruction could not keep determined fans out.