LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 08:  Seth MacFarlane is seen on January 8, 2020 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by OGUT/Star Max/GC Images)
TV - Movies
The Gilmore Girls
Character You
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Seth MacFarlane
Seth MacFarlane has spent most of his career as the powerhouse behind animated comedy icon “Family Guy” and its sibling shows “American Dad” and “The Cleveland Show.” He’s dabbled in some on-screen appearances such as Fox’s “The Orville” and Steven Soderbergh’s “Logan Lucky” — but here’s how he ended up in the world of “Gilmore Girls.”
In 2002, MacFarlane appeared in the Season 2 episode "Lorelai's Graduation Day" as a mouthy fellow grad named Zach. When Zach’s not exchanging barbs with his girlfriend, he spends the episode not-so-quietly judging Lorelai's moneyed background. "I was literally just taking shots at Lorelai Gilmore," MacFarlane joked.
MacFarlane also returned to do the voice of Emily’s lawyer in “I Solemnly Swear” and had an uncredited appearance as a folk singer in Season 4’s “Die, Jerk.” When asked about how he got involved with “Gilmore Girls,” he said, “I was friends with Amy Palladino and Dan Palladino. So, it was a little bit of nepotism," said MacFarlane.