The Important Shape Of Loki's Throne At The End Of Season 2 Explained

This story contains spoilers for "Loki" Season 2, Episode 6 — "Glorious Purpose"

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Loki has long desired to sit on a throne, and in the Season 2 finale of "Loki," the antihero finally takes his place on a throne he could never have predicted he'd end up on.
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In the finale, Loki tells his friends, "I know what kind of God I need to be. For you. For all of us," before walking across the Temporal Loom and bringing dying branches together.
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After magically restoring the timelines, Loki sits on a throne with branches wrapping around him, forming a tree-like structure that resembles Yggdrasill, the World Tree.
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Yggdrasill connects the timelines to the multiverse, and the timelines being literal branches of his throne is a brilliant touch that’s representative of Loki’s journey.
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