Michael Richards during "Seinfeld" DVD Release Party at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City, New York, United States. (Photo by Gregory Pace/FilmMagic)
TV - Movies
The Seinfeld
Episode Michael
Richards Says
The indelible and always-funny “Seinfeld” is an unforgettable sitcom, thanks in part to its hilarious cast of characters. To many, Kramer (Michael Richards) was both the most loveable and most troublesome, but do you know which "Seinfeld" episode Richards says solidified Kramer?
Kramer evolved over the show's run, and Richards settled into a routine that allowed him to explore the character more. "I began to feel that the Kramer character really became Kramer when we did the [episode] called, 'The Statue,' where I went undercover to play a cop," Richards said in an interview during the "Seinfeld: Inside Look" series.
Michael Richards recalled telling Larry Charles, Jerry Seinfeld, and Larry David, “God, we've got to keep going in this direction.” Richards continued, “And, of course, I had the ability, too, as a comic actor, to pursue that direction." With nearly 200 episodes produced, Richards was able to create a plethora of memorable moments during the show’s nine season run.