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Jason Sudeikis attends a special screening for the Apple+ TV show Ted Lasso


The Triangle Tactic In Ted Lasso S3E6 Means A Lot More Than You Think
A lot is going on in Season 3, Episode 6 of “Ted Lasso.” And one detail viewers need to pay close attention to is Ted’s journal covered with Van Gogh's “Sunflowers.”
The journal contains Ted’s triangle strategy brainstorm that he jots down after a taste of home sparks a brilliant idea of changing Richmond's play style for the better.
However, Ted's triangle tactic may also foreshadow what’s to come off the pitch, setting him up to become what fans have long wanted him to be: Rebecca's knight in shining armor.
It’s possible the green matchbook Rebecca received from Sam in Episode 3 was just a red herring. Could Ted’s green and yellow journal be what her psychic was referencing?
Furthermore, Ted’s explanation of the new strategy to Coach Beard may have a deeper meaning: “We've been playing too rigid. Our guys need freedom. Go wherever they wanna go.”
He continues, “Follow their guts, their hearts. As long as they remember to fill in the space that someone left behind. They've gotta have one another's backs, that's for sure.”
For Rebecca, that space was left by Rupert, and Ted had her back when she needed him. Perhaps Ted's view of Total Football says everything about his potential future with Rebecca.