TV - Movies
What Happened
To Cindy Vela
From My
600-Lb Life?
The latest season of "My 600-lb Life" stood out from its predecessors for not only featuring the patient with the largest weight loss in the series' history but also multiple patients with extremely low weight loss totals. Unfortunately, Cindy Vela, featured in Episode 4 of Season 9, was among those with poor results.
Cindy struggled with Dr. Now's program, complaining about the small meal portions and the required exercise. When given a goal of losing 70 pounds, Cindy only lost 40, which would be the only weight she'd lose during the episode's year of treatment.
Little is known about Cindy's current status but by the end of her episode, Cindy's weight was back in the 600s. Her Facebook page does not include any recent photos, though 'The Cinemaholic' points out this is likely due to contractual stipulations from TLC.