On "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,” Lieutenant Erica Ortegas, the Enterprise's helmsman, played by Melissa Navia, has been diligently working since 2011. Navia starred in the independent film "Love Eterne," about a woman coping with the emotional trauma of her fiancée's passing, which was later retitled "Love Eterne Mourning."
Navia also starred in the low-budget horror film "The Chosen," which follows a man attempting to save his niece from a demon. Navia plays Sabrina, a character whose entire purpose is to dump exposition on the protagonist as ominously as possible, which she does, very successfully.
In "Hymns," another low-budget movie, Navia plays one of three women stuck in isolation during a time of war. The film ends as mysteriously as it begins and never pretends that providing the viewer with any sense of understanding was the intent.